

Recrutamento de Professor Auxiliar nas áreas de “Software and its Engineering” e/ou “Theory of Computation”


[in English below]

O Departamento de Informática está a promover um concurso documental internacional para recrutamento de um Professor Auxiliar nas áreas de “Software and its Engineering” e/ou “Theory of Computation” de acordo com o 2012 ACM Computing Classification Systems.
Edital disponível em https://diariodarepublica.pt/dr/detalhe/edital/1210-2024-884789726
Candidaturas abertas até dia 1 de outubro de 2024.
Todos os detalhes para candidaturas, bem como os critérios para avaliação dos candidatos, podem ser consultados no edital.


The Department of Computer Science is promoting an international competition to recruit a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in the areas of "Software and its Engineering" and/or "Theory of Computation" according to the 2012 ACM Computing Classification Systems.
The public notice is available at https://www.fct.unl.pt/sites/default/files/documentos/concursos/notice_1210_2024.pdf
Applications are open until October 1, 2024.
All details for applications, as well as the criteria for evaluating candidates, can be found in the public notice.