1ª Apresentação Pública do Projeto LXConventos
Dia 16 de Janeiro no CIUL - Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa.
The purpose of this project is to study, in a systematic and integrated manner, the impact of the dissolution of the religious orders in the development, functions and image of the new liberal city, which defines itself as foremost secular and developmentalist. In Lisbon, the religious houses were, and still are, buildings of exceptional character, constituting themselves, since the middle ages (concurrent with the strengthening of the Nation), as fundamental bodies of the Church’s power, symbolic landmarks in the city and irradiating centres of urban transformation.
The archival preservation of written sources, namely the documental series of the convents extinction - will be developed by T. Tombo – and the information technologies will be developed by CITI/FCT-UNL (Centro de Informática e Tecnologias de Informação - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT), in work lead by PIs Armanda Rodrigues and Nuno Correia.
More information about LX Comventos.