

Social-Professional Aspects of Informatics - Seminars 2018


The seminars program on Social-Professional Aspects of Informatics, organized under ASPI curricular unit of the MIEI Integrated Master in Informatics Engineering, presented this year a series of seven seminars focusing on hot topics related to ethics and the impact of Informatics in society.

The ASPI seminars in this academic year 2017/2018 addressed issues such as privacy and protection of individual data (recent European RGPD), security and cybercrime (new NIS directive), copyright in the digital world, morals, ethics and deontology in Informatics, social networks and their impact on society.

The ASPI seminars aims to give students of the MIEI Integrated Master in Informatics Engineering the opportunity to discuss topics that are not of a technical nature nor are they addressed usually in the academic environment, but which are relevant for the training of a Computer Science Engineer.

Social-Professional Aspects of Informatics is a curricular unit of the fourth year of MIEI Integrated Master in Informatics Engineering, and is coordinated by Professors José Legatheaux Martins and Paulo Lopes.

ASPI Seminars program available here.