



Telling Molecules What To Do, Distinguished Lecture 2016 by Luca Cardelli


How to design new computational fabrics, for example, to detect and cure diseases at nano-scale cellular level under program control?

More than 400 undergraduate, master's and PhD students, teachers, researchers and general public filled once again the Main Auditorium of FCT NOVA to attend the Distinguished Lecture by Luca Cardelli, from Microsoft Research Cambridge and University of Oxford, under the subject “Telling Molecules What To Do”.

Luca Cardelli is an outstanding computer scientist in the field of programming languages and concurrency, and more recently in programmable biology and nanotechnology.

This 5th edition of the Distinguished Lecture Series of the Computer Science Department (DI) and NOVA LINCS that took place on September 28, 2016, offered to the national community interested in computer science area a particular interdisciplinary topic. The Distinguished Lecture Series of DI and NOVA LINCS, launched in 2012, hosts one talk every year, so that it can focus on outstanding computer scientists and engineers who are leaders in their fields of knowledge.