



MIEI Student Pedro Ferreira gets “Future Ideas” Award 2015


Pedro Ferreira, FCT UNL Biomedical Engineering MSc (2014) and currently 2nd year student of the FCT UNL Integrated Master in Computer Science, was awarded the first prize in the 2015 “Future Ideas” Future Health competition. 

The work contributes to speed up the image reconstruction process necessary for breast cancer diagnosis (aka, breast tomosynthesis). A major innovation resides in the use of GPU-based parallel computing  (published at nVidia GPUTech 2015 Conference) that allows the amount of radiation to which patients are subject during a medical exam to be significantly reduced.

The awarded proposal is an outcome of Pedro’s master thesis in Biomedical Engineering, an interdisciplinary work co-supervised by Nuno Matela, faculty member at the Instituto de Biofísica e Engenharia Biomédica (IBEB), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, and Pedro D. Medeiros, faculty member at the Departamento de Informática da FCT/UNL and researcher at the Computer Systems Group at NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics.