

Study Program

The MIEI Integrated Master in Informatics Engineering (aka. Computer Science and Engineering) is an integrated study cycle (300 ECTS) of 3+2 years, oriented towards the education of master level engineers in the fields of Computer Science, Informatics and IT.

The first cycle, corresponding to the first 3 years (180 ECTS), grants the bachelor degree LCEI Licenciatura in Computer Science and Engineering. The second cycle, corresponding to the last 2 years (120 ECTS) concludes the program and grants the Master degree in Informatics Engineering, including the access to certification and professional accreditation by the Ordem dos Engenheiros. The academical program closes with a set of innovative specialization courses and the elaboration of a Master thesis. MIEI study program complies with the FCT Curricular Profile  concept, a differentiating and distinctive feature of FCT graduates, supported by curricular units that promote soft skills, immersion in activities of practical accomplishment, and multidisciplinarity.

MIEI is structured in three tiers, following the ACM/IEEE Computing Curriculum 2013 recommendations; the core tier, the consolidation tier and the specialization tier. The first cycle, includes the whole core tier. The 2nd cycle includes the consolidation tier, the specialization tier, and the elaboration and defense of a Master dissertation.

The first tier (180 ECTS, 60% of the full program), is exclusively composed by mandatory courses (1st and 2nd years, plus 8 courses in the 3th year) which meets and exceeds level 1 of the Computing Curriculum ACM/IEEE 2013.

By the end of the 3th year the course Curricular Development Practical Activity (12 ECTS) offers an immersive experience on project development, introductory research, or in other coherent activity in various contexts (laboratory, external company, research center). Currently, this course is  offered in three variants:

  • Engineering  and Innovation Project, developed within the Department
    Research Initiation, within a research group of NOVA LINCS, Department´s Research Center
    Internship, developed in a company or institution external to the Department and FCT.

The consolidation tier (30 ECTS, 10% of the full program), includes Computer Science and Informatics courses, which cover subjects typically classified at level 2 of the ACM/IEEE Computing Curriculum 2013. These courses are offered in the 4th year and provide further depth and breath in Computer Science and Informatics. To allow for flexibility without compromising the breadth requirement, students are required to conclude 5 out of 9 courses in the consolidation tier.

The specialization tier (30 ECTS, 10% of the program) follows to the consolidation tier and is composed by elective courses only. These courses cover subjects at level 3 of the ACM/IEEE Computing Curriculum 2013 and beyond, and allow the student to further focus in various subfields of Computer Science and Informatics.

The program closes with the Master Dissertation (42 ECTS, 14% of the program), a monograph reporting on an individually developed work, which may be developed in the Department or in collaboration with an external partner entity.


1st Year / 1st Semester

1st Year / 2nd Semester

2nd Year / 3rd Semester

2nd Year / 4th Semester

3rd Year / 5th Semester

3rd Year / 6th Semester

END of 1st CYCLE (BSc in Informatics / Computer Science and Engineering )


4th Year / 7th Semester

4th Year / 8th Semester

5th Year / 9th Semester

  • Specialization Unit (6 credits ECTS)
  • Specialization Unit (6 credits ECTS)
  • Specialization Unit (6 credits ECTS)
  • Master Thesis (Preparation) (12 credits ECTS)

5th Year/ 10th Semester

  • Master Thesis (Development) (30 credits ECTS)

END OF SECOND CYCLE (Master in Computer Science and Engineering)


Consolidation curricular units

Students must choose 5 of these courses:

Specialization Curricular Units  

Students must choose 5 of these courses.