


The department periodically posts announcements of opportunities for student involvement in research, scholarships, and hiring. The next call for scholarship recruitment will be held in january/february 2024.



Our research broadly addresses emergent challenges posed to Computer Science and Informatics research, both in their fundamental and applied aspects. We are also engaged in the development of innovative solutions and supporting technology in many societal scenarios, in collaboration with knowledge users.

NOVA LINCS, the front end institution for all research activities hosted by the Department is accredited by FCT/MCTES (Portuguese Science Foundation), and was graded "EXCELLENT" by the most recent evaluation exercise.

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Ligação à sociedade

The Department develops many outreach and societal integration activities in its fields of scientific, technical and educational expertise. We are open to enquiries related to collaboration agreements, partnerships or contracts with public and private entities, companies and orher institutions.

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Get to know DI

The Department of Informatics is a pioneer institution in advanced education and research in Informatics in Portugal, having already graduated thousands of computer engineers. 

It is currently responsible for training more than 800 students enrolled in various courses and at various levels of training. The department hosts a research center, NOVA LINCS, where the research done in the department is coordinated.

Several of our academic staff are associated to the development of computer science and IT in Portugal, for instance, in the first national connection to the Internet in the 80s, in the graduation of the first PhD degrees, and in the development and consolidation of research and innovation in informatics and computer science.