



Mapping as Visual Inquiry


Title: Mapping as Visual Inquiry
   ByPeter Hall (UT Austin)
   Date: Wed, 11 May 2011, 10h00

   Room : Auditório da Biblioteca - FCT - UNL campus
   Host: Multimodal Systems

More infohttp://citi.di.fct.unl.pt/seminar/seminar.php?id=186


In recent years, designers, architects and artists have increasingly turned to mapping as a means of researching and visualizing complex problems, and revealing potential solutions. Drawing from cartographic practices, but questioning the limitations of traditional maps, many recent mapping projects explore how overlooked interests and seemingly immeasurable elements like emotions can be visualized using collaborative methods and technologies. 
In an opening talk, Peter Hall will discuss the emergence of mapping as a design process and asks what technology design might learn from these experimental approaches.