



Erasmus+Lecture on “Testing and Dynamic Analysis of Concurrent Programs”


Na próxima 4ª feira dia 20 de Maio, às 14:00, irá decorrer na sala de seminários do Dep. Informática uma aula dedicada ao tópico do Teste e Análise de Programas Concorrentes.  O nível é introdutório/médio, visando principalmente os alunos do 2º, 3º e 4º anos do MIEI.

Compareça! Participe! Irá ser interessante!



Dr. Zdenek Letko 

Department of Intelligent Systems (DITS)

Automated Analysis and Verification Research Group - VeriFIT


Data: 20-05-2015 @ 14:00

Local: Sala de Seminários do Dep. Informática (junto à Secretaria do DI)

Duração: 90 min.

Língua: Inglês


Introduction to Testing and Dynamic Analysis of Concurrent Programs


The introductory lecture provides a short overview of multi-threaded programming. Next, a taxonomy of concurrency errors is provided to know your enemy. The main part of the lecture is devoted to overview of existing techniques for testing and dynamic analysis of concurrent programs including a few live demos of several existing tools. Finally, coverage metrics that can be helpful when testing concurrent programs are briefly introduced.  

Short Bio:

Zdenek Letko is currently a postdoc at FIT, Brno University of Technology (BUT), Czech Republic. He received his education at BUT (Bc. Information Technology 2005, Msc. Intelligent Systems 2008, PhD. Analysis and Testing of Multi-threaded Programs 2012). Zdenek focuses primarily on testing and dynamic analysis of multi-threaded programs including transaction memory programs and secondary on application of meta-heuristics and data mining techniques in various problems. Zdenek has published over 15 refereed publications and he has been involved in several Czech and international research projects including the EU COST and STREP projects. Zdenek has experience with teaching in the following undergraduate courses at BUT: Java (IJA, IJAe), Testing and Dynamic Analysis (ITS), Introduction to Programming Systems (IZP), Introduction to Software Engineering (IUS). He also supervised several master and bachelor theses at BUT.